africa and everything is the next curl if the musaiv stole blood - it is good, but for the maasai krolikarova it is evil, as a matter of fact , this is the easiest way to explain that they now have a diploma in golovy, and you do not live, and the maasai survive at the expense of tourism, at the expense of photo cameras, video cameras , ah now i would like to continue the logical and our conversation regarding what is happening there er information about the split between er military leadership between er private and military companies possibly between putin and er the awarding that took place after the arrivals and happy and successful arrivals wengels awarding of generals gerasimova shoi gu e is there a split or not see there is no split at the moment at the moment it is desirable iron this is one of those reasons that it is actually necessary to study them and relatively shiguye gerasimova and this stars of heroes who they actually got it, it shows the russian society that the government can do everything and for the generals and for these, let's say, the leaders of the leaders, your kreml