musapour, regarding the issue of unity week . both various cultural and executive institutions and popular groups, and with the presence of shia and sunni brothers and scholars, and even the webinar that we had with the provinces, in which shia and sunni scholars participated , we planned the unity week programs together and since last night, these programs have started. most of the programs are now in the provinces that border ours and the provinces where the sunni brothers are, in fact , the main programs are there, and these programs are also being conducted throughout the country during this week. let me tell you about different celebrations 28. one hundred friday imams and let me tell you 12 thousand shiite and sunni imams of the congregation this week have different programs in friday prayers in mosques in the abandoned bekaa and seminaries of seminaries. visiting the patients of prophetic feeding. let me tell you that the marriages that have been predicted in these days, a collective group among students, among students ,