songs, so sad and wistful, and now we are with andriyana degdalovych, who is the director of the museum of dignity in lviv, and is also the daughter of the activist andriana , who unfortunately died it's about to punish people who are responsible for people's deaths? this is how we in the museum explore the lives of the heroes of the heavenly hundred, what they were passionate about, how they got to the maidan, how they died and how the investigation actually takes place. not only that, the research associate of the museum of dignity in lviv has repeatedly helped investigators, prosecutors, and lawyers with materials used to build cases. and unfortunately, i have to state that the situation is quite deplorable, in particular, if we take the first victims, among whom... lvivians, verbytskyi, yuriy and roman senyk, and even before niguyan and zhiznevsky also belong to the first, yes, whom we know, they are more or less known only by verbytskyi. those who are guilty of beating him and his death, but they are partially released, some, there are even those who faked their death and fled to russia and c