if you have not even the mushmelon, i will give you two. he showed me videos of the kids trying not to eat the marshmallow. a little girl banging her head on the table. an oreo cookie. the old guy picks up that oreo, carefully eats up the metal, carefully put it back. that kid is now a u.s. senator. [laughter] the scary thing is that ten minutes the kids who could wait, 20 years later they had much higher college educations and incomes. the kid who could only wait one minute, much higher drug and alcohol addiction and incarceration rates because some children grow up in homes or actions lead to consequences and the develop strategies to control their impulses, mostly by pretending that the marshmallows a cloud or not real. pretending that temptation is not really there in front of them. and so kids to can go to school with that self control will find school and less frustrating than kids who cannot. these are traits that are really the baked in early or encouraged early and happen unconsciously for the most part. the final trade i will ment