will which will have the big scale production using it here or in the new thing in the most court muska building the most cool below the r. and b. which will develop the technology so does that make more maybe in the new not silicon plastic valley in the future of the silicon where in the do you think that may happen if we speak seriously. there is no exact answer for this. plastic electronics will convince the market will accept it i am a strong believer of the huge option for more complete substitution for. developing the silicon plastic electronics and the number of electronic sensors such advice my son does a lot of reading which is strange for a twelve year old today and i try to introduce this reader you know this electronic book which is better than a computer because there is not the light i mean i mean it's but he does like this . he prefers paper pay paper books is this plastic plastic technology any better well son it are enormous which is actually the requirement i should avoid of the difference between the normal screen in the screen which we use in our computer into additi