chairman, and the ranking member, to listen to chairwoman tucker, the people of the muskogee nation of florida and their continued efforts that i hope will lead ultimately, although this is not what this hearing is about, but the proper federal recognition which they have long awaited. with that i introduce chairwoman, ann tucker. >> miss tucker, thank you. if you've been doing this for 30 years you must have started in elementary school. you're welcome to speak. >> chairman young, ranking member lujan, honorable committee members. i'm chairwoman ann tucker of the muskogee nation of florida, the florida tribe of eastern creek indians. i want to thank congressman miller for being here and for his continued support of this tribe's recognition. we are the people known as petitioner 32 to the office of federal acknowledgment. in 1978, when part 83.7 was created for tribal recognition, there were 40 tribes with evidence already filed in the bia. we were one of those tribes. our people have lived on the same homelands in florida since 1861. we are creek indian people who have lived together,