muslim or the bad muslims. this is once again not going to help anyone in the future. thank you. [applause] >> i enjoyed your talk very much. what i would like you to do is to talk more about bringing women into the running of things. because it seems to me that most of your religions, for instance, have nails in the lead role. -- males. it wasn't until 1920 that women got to vote in this country. so if you don't let them in, they just don't seem to have much influence. but if you do nothing and you get a different vision, from the mail. the males got a load of testosterone and and it's behind all the wars we've had. it's behind a lot of the troubles with that. it's a crime and stuf so if you put the women in come your going to get a different viewpoint. at like you to comment on it. >> i completely, i completely agree with your conclusion. i would be more cautious about the biological explanation. [laughter] but the serious point here is, is really about women being much more involved. and i completely agree with it. you know, we have to be series about this. we have to rely on facts and figures when it comes to, when he society is doing well. if you look at all the facts and figures when it comes to education, for example, when it comes to agriculture, when it comes to every dimension of making decisions. when you allow the women to be involved, they are doing better than them. the facts are you. it's an agriculture. it's an education. not only in muslim countries, not only in the global south. look at what is happening in the west. we have now women and muslim women being involved in education at the same level as men. those figures are clear. they are doing better than in an this is creating even problems within the muslim communities in the west because now they are more educated. so i would say that, and starting with this as a principle, it's very important to try to find a way to promote women. and i would say don't be misled by the supervision of what is happening in the muslim or turkey country. the uprising, women are very much instrumental in tahrir square, in tunisia. they were there. even in saudi arabia. even in petrol mortgage of women very much educated and being more and more visible. the point is to promote this through education and job opportunities, and to get them not as simple. be careful with simple set up betraying the radicals on the ground. i think this is where we have to come together. but what i would like