james' remains happened when muslim moors controlled most of spain. the whole phenomenon of the camino helped fuel the european passion to retake spain and push the moors back into africa. but by about 1500, with the dawn of the renaissance and the reformation, interest in the camino died almost completely. then, in the 1960s, a handful of priests re-established the tradition. the route has since enjoyed a huge resurgence, with 100,000 pilgrims trekking the santiago each year. is made possible in n part by. the ellis family foundation-- encouraging economic revitalization through the restoration of historic buildings in downtown marion, virginia, including the general francis marion hotel. you can experience the history of appalachian music at the appalachian cultural music association's mountain music museum and pickin' porch in bristol, tennessee-- the country music birthplace. historic marion, virginia, home of song of the mountains, in the heart of the virginia highlands. virginia sweetwater distillery located in marion, virginia. teds-- dedicated