with me now is rather than a day who's from the muslim public affairs committee welcome to the program it's being described variously as an attack on muslims but he quickly any attack on any citizen in the united kingdom is an attack on anybody of all faiths. but in terms of the islamic community in london or in britain right now how safe do they feel. well the reality is most muslims don't feel safe and they haven't for a while i mean i've spoken to numerous muslims you know activists just general average joe bloggs and they are genuinely concerned about how the how toxic the environment is for muslims when you look at the way muslims are treated as a political football the attacks on our story for some people it's a very real dilemma about do i stay here and be treated as second class citizen have my life at risk or do i really leave and live somewhere else in more relative peace because it's for some people it's the temperature is a bit too high now and things are getting crazy or what the reason may said a few hours ago outside downing street i know that these words are always said