arundhati: the characters are -- there is -- born into a shia muslims family -- samam -- muslm family, born as a boy, but soon discovers she is really a woman trapped in a man's body, and at the age of 16 leaves home to live in a community of trans people. she lives in old delhi with a group of people that belong to a variety of genders as complicated as the -- which they referred to as the outside world. so, themselves and the world are separate. years.nds her teenage one of the most beautiful and of delhi -- the foreign correspondents, they quarter. they want to do this story. the thing about her, that is not only who she is. she is a shia. she is a woman that wants to be a mother. then she gets caught up in the massacre of 2002. is at up because she muslim and she escaped, and people think it is bad luck to kill. amy: -- the massacre. the massacre took place. anjum, slowly, as she recovers from her trauma, she begins to look -- and then there is her friend saddam hussein, who also escaped from a massacre. anger, decides what the untouchablesof the did. muslim and calls hussain, and