to the stress because put on one's body and the dangers of landing russia's brightest star only a mustafina could have had affliction career ended just a couple of months ago when she suffered crew should nearly going to damage however she's well on her way to recovery however china sang learn wasn't so lucky she broke her neck in nine hundred ninety eight while competing at the goodwill games the incident left her confined to a wheelchair and she's now filing a one point eight billion dollar lawsuit against the likes of ted turner who founded the games to the likes of a.o.l. time warner who won the games after the chinese limbic committee failed to help her oats. while on one hand our top athletes are struggling to win gold medal says a great number of efforts just because we don't have a good insurance system having difficulties to find a job and to make a living let alone those head injuries. russia are certainly trying to make sure that the situation that affected their you know scott's old will will never crop up again so galaxy has called for free medical care following for all athlet