mustapha said this is a legitimate point. -- my staff has said this is a legitimate point. but we are not trying to do is change fundamental policies. we are trying to be careful about this. we are trying to be sensitive to the jurisdiction, particular the finance committee. the purpose is not a great new policy that would be their jurisdiction. i want the record to reflect that. we are not trampling all over jurisdiction without any reason. i am grateful to our colleagues from georgia. they you raise a very legitimate point. i also have the directive like many of us do. it is a choice i made. i wash my mother go through this case a long time. i could almost hear her having no question in her mind. she was on life-support on the child. -- at the time. this is almost four years ago. is a very legitimate opinion. families wrestle with this all the time. i hope my children and family are very clear with what i had in mind. >> where did you get it? >> i've got it in connecticut. the lawyer did it for me. he also represented a local hospital. hospitals get nervous about this. wh