but the assumption here is from the local media that it was a musudan, a medium-range missile. in april, north korea attempted to launch that missile and failed. so potentially this is the fourth time in two months it's not managed to test-fire that missile. but certainly everyone in the region is concerned that these tests continue to happen. we had had a relatively peaceful and quiet may when it comes to testing. certainly we had the congress in north korea, the political focus took over. but now it appears we are back to what kim jong-un feels is a very important part of his rule, which is continuing to test his capabili capabilities, continuing to improve his missile program, once again showing that he has no intention of putting nuclear missile programs to one side in violation of u.n. security council resolutions. now, certainly south korea and japan are watching developments very closely. in japan, the chief cabinet secretary reacted earlier this tuesday. >> translator: there is no missile confirmed to have flown towards japan, so we don't recognize it as something that