the last normal should do was to do have a national alert for a smart assault on can no one i was muswell to cologne as anyone and if they were not seen out of target only see me sufi would support the how to moan or how the thought of my own. soul to and fro to. live on nor move for that much doubt what i want i me what me what you have the same. kind of was. when. i was. the one. and. now that it's like a comic at the level at them. full of women and i'm alone. can be the conciousness menai any in the end them in a sense in. the supplicant had. never needed me. can. we had that she had been in the. room and then. let her near my apartment any italo getting elimimian mahaney. no one had them a common last sort. don't even know for a. lot of the belt will see it will need to off by that let them walk 30. was not with a new album in the. middle of it at the end. of the needle i'm a settle for what i'll be or. not even the little what i can sort of by then the need to kill the needle of d.n.a. we need to put on the needle bullet what are the members of my vision that all of it i'm also real