residing within the greater bay area has and continues to benefit from the use and occupation of the muwekma ohlone tribe's aboriginal lands since before and after the san francisco public utilities commission's founding in 1932. it is vitally important that we not only recognize the history of the tribal lands on which we reside, but also we acknowledge and honor the fact that the muwekma ohlone people have established a working partnership with the sfpuc and are productive and flourishing members of the greater san francisco bay area communities today. so, uh, donna, can you read the first item on this item number three, the summary of the budget hearing questions. so are there any new summaries or questions, um, that have come in or that we have since last friday's meeting? no, there are no, no, no update at this meeting. okay. so let's get in seeing none um, getting into the meat, um, can we call item four? item four is a water enterprise in hetch water. fiscal year 20 2425 and fiscal year 2526. operating and capital budgets and ten year capital plan. welcome, mr. ritchie. uh, good morning, com