when jake and cramer started their watch company mvmt in 2013, they knew exactly what they didn't want. >> the watches that were at our price point, we just didn't resonate with the brands. the watches we liked we couldn't afford. >> they looked around at watch companies and mostly saw old-school business models with old-school marketing. it was an industry right for disruption. >> smartphones have been around, the utility of the watch has changed, right? it's a fashion accessory. >> college dropouts starting businesses consistently since a young age, jake and cramer were students of the internet. >> being a generation that was born on social media is also a unique value, just like seeing different trends in realtime. >> reporter: when they launched their idea, it was simple. nice design as an affordable price. and the way to get there? don't work with retailers and don't spend a lot on getting the word out. what's the one thing you did early on to reach customers that completely worked? >> it was simply just finding smern people of -- it was not rocket science at the time. and it was