. >> i'm at,mwah. they have asked me to lead our climate change commitment and people ask the same thing. what do we do? what are we doing? is this real? to synthesize and follow up, i like peters comments. one of this things we do when we talk to more and more people is seeing a transition from a world we were focused on and meeting a regulatory world and now we're being asked to look external and further from the small boundaries of our communities and where do we sit. some of the ways we're helping and thinking of how to move forward is here is a set of what we have to do to meet the current set. how do we understand it's pervasive and crosses the miles of federal organizations. how do we use this world today in our,cip, planning to create platforms to leverage the real actions in the years and legacies we're putting together? >> thank you. >> one of the things we've noticeed our community climate development plan is greenhouse gases reduction metric, is pretty key integrator for integrating a lot o