meet her parents, you sit there and you laugh because it's funny, but it's rooted -- my friend mya angelo would say it's as real as rain, and you relate. >> you know, if something rings true, it just does. it's really worked. i think it's part of the reason guess who's coming to dinner. some of the jumping off point to this movie. the premise. even down to the -- sydney, you know, asks his girlfriend, do they know? first scene of the movie. no, why? the fear of meeting your in-laws. there's an added dynamic to that or an interracial couple or some fate or something, the reason is really worked was we were all on the same page instantly because we all relate to that fear. >> this could have been as i said watching it, jordan, it could have been a comedy, straight out, could have been a horror, straight out, you combine the two, why the an ex us is? >> really -- i felt like tone was the most important thing in getting this right, and i know that if it's too funny, it doesn't really do -- it risks not doing justice to the seriousness of the subject matter, if it's too serious, it risks not b