mychal, maybe you can help me. are no police, like are, you proposing or do you see a world with no police? or is it just a different kind of people who enforce laws? what does that mean? >> we say "abolish the police" because we mean abolish the police. there's no mincing of language there. there's nothing that we're trying to trick you on. but the thing i think that-- where i come down is just who is making the positive arguments for the police at this point? and i say that because tell me something right now that the police are are good at, other than what whooping, other than doing that, what are they good at? they don't prevent murders. they come in and try to figure out who did the murder afterwards. and they don't do any of the things that they're sent out to do. like patrisse is telling us, like, we want them to, like, solve homelessness, but what that means is just get the homeless people out of the street. we want them to solve these mental health crises, but that just means kill the people who have rhavi