co-author of the savchenko law, former people's deputy mykola palamarchuk, claims that the supreme court did not have apply this rule regarding the term on the territory of russia, if there was no official extradition. the law stipulates that citizens of ukraine are imprisoned on the territory of ukraine, that is, if the imprisonment of this citizen was on the territory of another state, then of course, according to the law, the court should not count it. moreover, by a double coefficient, the judges of the supreme court counted shepelev's term of punishment, as well as the term of his arrest as part of the investigation of other criminal crimes, again manipulating the savchenko law, according to which the term of pre-trial detention is included in the term of the imposed punishment only within the limits of one criminal proceeding. in addition, the panel reassessed the circumstances of the case and canceled the confiscation of exnardep's property in favor of the state, which, according to the criminal procedure code, the supreme court does not have the authority to do. however, since th