this is the primary volunteer medical hospital named after mykola pirogov.ental office . visuals to help the military er treat teeth so that the guys could calmly perform their professional activities and not be called to any problems with their teeth, their patients are all different units that maintain defense at the front but need help, a serviceman who accompanies a neighbor sits in a chair at a dental wizard, turns to them for help, not for the first time, dentists quickly conduct an examination and begin treatment, a volunteer received a large number of requests to relieve toothache understood in military combat conditions there is a shortage of dental care, this is how mobile offices were created. we are a small division, but as far as dental care is concerned, that is, we mainly provide agent care that is, the need for removal of treatment has been there for a long time, precisely this dental unit this year. yes, we launched it because it was not very easy, we had to equip it all, and so on, what to bring. as they say , now we are mobile, we can move