in polatsk and myorakh, and in garadsky pastel sharkaushchyna - future school.ew lady has a gift certificate for a set of household appliances and a leather set with licorice pastries. if you want to make a child happy, you need to surround him with care and attention. today, thousands of military personnel have joined this action and go around, congratulating children, giving them gifts, of course wishing them joy and of course there would be a peaceful sky above their heads, so that no one would dare take away their joy. galowny copperholding dachshund papounіў skarbonku good praў, kіraўnіtstva the beltelevision campaign visited the uluka special boarding school with padlocks and a good mood. at the padshefnay installation prahodzitsy navuchanna 143 vyhavantsy, for the saber dzyatsy, the arrival of the gastsya is a languid joy. all the time, so that the world is kind , so that all the wishes of all people are fulfilled, of course , we come here with a special feeling, every december for many years in a row, the tradition is unchanged, we communicate with teach