so, as it turns out, i destroyed myother's soul. ro-bat is the savior of souls, not the destroyer. that is captain soul destroyer. look, mom, i wanna say something, but i do not want you to take it the wrong way, so i'm gonna say it while hugging. come here. (sighs) oh. this is nice. good. i'm gonna need you in a p pce where you can hear me. you are driving me crazy. back up off my grill, you helicopter hovering whackadoo. i'm sorry. i've just been worried about you going off to college. i haven't prepared you for the world! mom, you don't have to worry about preparing me for the world. you have to worry about eparing the world for me. i'm an unstoppable force. you are, and i love you for it. (chuckles) but your shirt is on inside out. dang it! hey, what do we have this green wall for? hey, you guys came up with the plan for the video. if you want ecial effects, you need a green screen. now march down to the car and help liv and willow get the rest of it! (amplified) i need it here yesterday! you're kind of a... frosty little dude, aren't ya? you're not the first person to say that