myra becker:"this is not a frivolous thing to me. this is very serious."ession.myra becker:"i can't march anymore, and i don't... i can't protest, there's so many things i can't do."so frustrated, in february, she custom ordered this oversized sign, and gave another to her neighbor.myra becker:"i just said big."but that was the problem.carl flaks, neighbor:"city suddenly came out and said they have to go."frank shields, neighbor: "the size is obnoxious. it really is. if you want to put a small sign out, that's fine." liz nagy, reporting:"the city said to us in a statement they don't regulate the content or message of the sign, simply the size. regulation is 3 square feet. myra becker's is nearly 4 times that big."carl flaks, neighbor:"i have respect for the law and if that's the law, ok i'll abide by it."plans to do the same with a smaller, one word sign. myra becker:"i think people know what "impeach" means." means." means." (pam) that was liz nagy reporting.becker says, she is a lifelong democrat, who has voted for some republicans too... just not presid