today, oleksandra matviychuk exclusively commented on the news of myroslava gongadze.was quite unexpected for me and for our team to receive the nobel peace prize, and we appreciate it not just as a sign of our human rights work of the center for civil liberties that we conduct in ukraine and throughout the region, but primarily as a mark of all to the ukrainian people who, in this war with russia, are fighting for freedom and for the right to have a democratic choice as such, for the right to live, to build a country in which the rights of every person are protected. government is accountable , justice is independent, and the police do not disperse peaceful student demonstrations, and we are now paying a rather high price for this the nobel committee notes that the laureates of the 2022 peace prize represent civil society in their countries, they have worked for many years for the right to criticize the government and defend basic rights citizens, they made an outstanding effort to document war crimes, violations of human rights and abuse of power, one of the laureate