the first collective farm meeting of the collective farm began, red partizan in the village of myshkovichi, at which orlovsky outlined bold plans for the revival of the economy, and the collective farm proposed to rename and name the dawn, to start lifting it with faith that everything will work out, but in everything. it was hard to believe. and then a request to release a loan in the amount of 2 million rubles. in commodity terms and 125,000 rubles. in terms of money, so i'm on my homeland in the village of myshkovichi, kirovsky district, mogilev region on a collective farm, red partizan until 1950 achieved the following indicators, orlovsky's request was satisfied. kirill sharov conducted experiments that were rather harsh, but they are the solution. there, the stoves further such an effect were completed, and the young animals from these already comfortable cowsheds. at that time, the wealth of the collective farm was in animal husbandry. e dairy cattle and at the same time grow potatoes in russia, they developed it and now they are slaughtered by the sale of wax potatoes and dairy pro