very often, your source does not know mysore. mysore's only knows content. -- my source, knows content. you believe you're doing something fairly benign and ultimately some of destructive. i am not trying to conjure up concrete examples. revealing something that took place in 2007 which is long gone may look entirely innocent under part but it may look very different from my perspective when i know there are only three people in the room when that discussion took place. only one of them works for me. frankly, this is all in the doing. i don't think any of our discussions will send pay for the rough edges between the requirements of the first amendment and the requirements to provide for common defense. it is a condition we must manage, not a problem to be solved. it was pointed out that this has been with us since the foundation of the republic. what i would like to do much more modestly than solving those macro issues is just come at you with a couple of groupings of advice, one for the press and one for my old guys. in the inte