we move from mystics and meditation into hinduism, and shortly, we'll be looking at buddhism also, which follows along nicely. but we're looking at ways of transforming our ordinary, everyday sense of self experientially, which kind of - like the farmer out in the field prepares the ground for planting, you have to have the right kind of soil, the right kind of preparation in order for religious feelings and for the other dimensions to grow. >> i went to a taize service in evanston about two months ago, and on a thursday night, the catholic church was filled, absolutely filled. everybody had a candle. the chants were very simple, and very evocative, and people were very moved. >> and when they do this in taize, france, it's my understanding that they're - especially youth are drawn to this - thousands. every time they have this taize prayer service, they're there - they come from who knows where - and they are moved and they participate. because it's all very simple, it's very easy to get into. and the nature of it is - i experienced it at st. clemens church in downtown chicago, and it s