some households can do the pumping themselves or they can googether with other families othis is mythchfn for in le n 's provie.the paddies.: most of its 100,000 people are involved in some way othis is mythchf town for in the rice growing farmers come here to buy suppls such as seed and fertilizer and new machinery. ( ducklis peeping) progressive farmers are also integrating otod- or incomproducing activities into eir la translator: pin addition to working in the rice fields,ing we keep some farm animals-- chickens and pigs-- and we have a fish pond. compared to rice growing, animal husbandry is better. fish and meat prices depend a on the market, too,on. as much. naator or 4ernown as saigon.depend a on the market, too,on. it is the most densely poputed areaf vietnam, home to almost naator othe city embraced the so-called a "on door" policyeople. introduced by the government in 1986 to stimulate the economy. daniere: ho chi minh city is the economic center of the country. hanoi is the potical, cultural, bureaucratic cente of the country, located thousands of miles away. buil