n announceow during the volkswagen drive bigger event, get a $1,000 purchase bonus on 2019 jetta, tiguan models. >>> prosecutors in the r. kelly case revealed some of the eviden they have tow prove the disg scedinger took underage for across state lines sex. new legal documents obtained by tmz show prosecutors have more than a dozen flight records, horeceipts, bank and medical records andte birth certifica indicates for the alleged evictims. they also uber records, a e goal for prosecutorss to prove r. kelly violated the man act which makes it a crime to transport people across state lines for se >> t reporting actor jussie smollett is threatening to sue the city of icago. the city has filed suit againstm ther empire actor and wants to recoup the cost ofve smollett's false claim that he was the victi of a racist and homophobic attack last january. he stas by his cla saying he is the victim of a malicious dosecution. >> actny master son is calling a new ltsuit filed againsim beyond ridiculous. it comes from w who say he rapehim and had members of the ch sch of scientotalk and harass them.