perspective on home buying, we joined by audio oust, who's a professor in financial economics at n t n u business school. and he's in oslo. norway, good to have with us audio talk us through why people living in scandinavia often go for these interest. only mortgage is rather than 60 variables. good reason why that is partially cultural and partly historical and partly because the difference in regulation. so there are, i don't, course when he comes to cultural, we are having a great deal of security net in the developers states in order to concrete. so you are supported in, in a lot of ways. so which is not so risky and tell them that you can insurance. so we spend a p show for them to have floating interest rates or, and not the interest rates and the money regulations, the positive for the households. so they don't get extra mortgage. we're sample by choosing pick interest rates, but if people have interest only mortgages the the never actually going to pay off the, the full loan on the property. therefore, presuming if they want to end up owning the property in which they live, they have to have ano