n. frankel. last year those two trial attorneys, including ms. vargus-frankel heard nine commission meetings. compared to the year before, 2009, again there were five -- only six commission cases. they were successful in eliminating a backlog of police commission cases that went from 2003 to 2007. in addition to serving as prosecuting attorneys, ms. frankel and ford also due to analyses of o.c.c. cases, they review same reports and they draft charges for the police chief in commission-level cases. moving to the area of policy analysis four major initiatives were moved forward in 2010. juvenile and police action protocol, and while too lengthy to go into all of them, department general order 7.01 was adopted by this commission in may 2008. the o.c.c. juvenile justice advocate and the department continue to meet on implementation. so two years later they are still meeting on implementation. there have been several challenges. however in september, a press conference was held, which was moderated by commissioner chan, and that announced the "know yo