n. greta: let's take up that point of bullying. there have been initiatives to deal with bullying in schools. where does that stand? andrew: at the federal level, i think this stop school violence act, although a lot of the attention around it has been on preventing school shootings and school violence, part of the idea is to catch these things early. you can start to feel isolated in school when you are bullied. i think that can lead to a lot of trouble and warning signs of people -- that people sometimes miss. i think these bills do help to spread this conversation. i know the first lady is planning to meet with executives from social media companies to discuss the issue as well. nikolas cruz's activity on social media platforms has drawn scrutiny about what he was aying. it is clearly a very difficult issue to deal with in a comprehensive way. there are various initiatives in government and outside overnment. greta: we will go to clover, wisconsin. question or comment? aller: comments. i am a veteran. i am all for guns in the sc