al chantin uh-huhhey, hey les drop t other n. uh-huhhey, hey t's drophe otherra. uh-huhhey, hey let'drop thetherra. won: thera's mt tive mbers are chain restrants likeenny, olive garden appleb's, and op. they havenormous influence. and they'rtrying t protecthe restaurant industry. they do not want to pay hier wages in t united ates, weave a o-tieredage syst. theris a fedal mimum wage rrently .25. but tipped workers are allowed to be paid a sub-minimum wage of $2.13 an hour as long as tips bring them to the full minimum wage. the forces of the status quo are very powerful, they're institutionalized. weave the tional restaura associaon. we evehave peoe here in the cgress who n't belie thereshld be y minimuwage. it ino surpre that the $2.1an hour habeen stu there since 19. there s a dealrokeredbetweecongressnd the n to s, ok, wel let yo increasehe regul minim wage t we want thsub-minim ge fren permantly at $13 an ho. man: wheyou reve toeople thatipped woers make alittle as $2.13 hour, mo people e shocke by tha and to tnk that u couldbe ming $2.0 and ha to relyn $5.00a