n.c. doubleday has basically promulgated an image that it is protecting a noble tradition. that cannot and should not be challenged by anyone so they've been filing motions all on for the last five years it finally got to they what are they trying to get it dismissed yes you're finally getting into court yes. their argument is what essentially that the athletes are amateurs and as amateurs in a paternalistic way the university and the athletic departments have to protect these young people from exploitation from others when in fact the very people that are exploiting them are the universities in the athletic departments themselves. and i you saying this on behalf of former athletes formally you're not you're not asking is for a current players dealing with former players well initially it was for former players. it has branched off and to many different. fields you know there's my my initial beef my initial. thought process was for form or for former players and then once that happened once we got going on with that particular lawsuit then it all started to qana branch off