medgar evers was a field by tary for the naacp white spremities. the museum is dedicated to his memory. >> for many of us who have gone overseas, fought for this country, fought for mississippi, we fought for alabama. we fought for north carolina. we fought for illinois. and we fought for every state in this union. now we're going to stay here it become reality. got out of his home. about 40 yards away a sniper fired a high powered rifle. it hit him in the back into his body. he did within an hour at a ackson hospital. >> former home of medgar evers in jackson, mississippi. address is 2332 margaret walker drive. medgar was born and raised in a little town called decatur, mississippi. and he talked about when you read about him and listening to him talk, he talked about he knew the differences how the races between them could never understand why. he talked about having white playmates. it was only after they would hunt and fish tonight -- it was only about when the three got to be the age of 16 that they were separated with their different ways. an