join me as i uncover the secrets of the nabataeans. nabataeans forged a successful empire around 300 bce. that's towards the end of the civilisation of the far better—known ancient egyptians. they were nomads and traders who took control of the lucrative incense route all the way from modern—day yemen, through arabia and up to the ports of gaza and alexandria. and it was on this 2,000km trade route that they chose the site for their capital, petra, and carved theatres, caves and tombs out of the sandstone rocks. in many ways, this is a strange place to build a city. we're not elevated and we're not near a river or the sea, but the steep, rocky gorges provided a different kind of security for the desert people who made this their home. this is the siq. it's a rock canaljust three metres across at its narrowest point. that's barely wide enough for two camels to pass. for the nabataeans, it was a natural defence, a place to channel water, and, of course, a very dramatic threshold to their majestic city. talk about a secret entrance! this