both my dad my brother prior nabi in the army national guard and. in the family in. it was excited and completely just hyped up about going and all my family was proud of me. as my biggest hero. told us of your own being taken care of and i guess that's one of the hard things that i have to accept because i told her that she would be. who's in february we got a call. one who is dying and he. rubbed his hand all over my entire body and. he said i own all of this. and i was absolutely scared didn't know what to do my dad. when the 1st time she said. that and. i said. what happened he said i was right. and you're a virgin. because. tributes. don't ever think your. main nerve in my spine was places and my hips rotated. my title is director of military plans and personnel policy for the navy. we have specifically trained judge advocates our navy lawyers in our naval criminal investigative service those investigators are all specifically trained in sexual solved any report of a sexual assault is fully investigated in the united states navy they didn't take care of it for a