large parts of the russian federation perhaps as much as a third of the russian land mass, which is nabtde inhabited by people who are not russian, which will be subject to annexation of other countries. >> and you say, al qaeda could play into the mix. >> sure, it already is, antonio. there is a branch of al qaeda that calls itself the cawks caucasus califate. ingustania and dagestan, where there has already been a lot of secessionism. >> the head of the council on foreign relations richard haas wrote this week that american credit diplomacy is flirting with fecklessness. that it is a bully pull pet moment for him. will he use that bully pull pulpit and how should he use it? >> i should certainly think so. as you alluded to at the beginning oops of our conversation this wall street journal poll that just came out show that a lot of americans, a majority of americans would like to ski the u.s. play a lest less activist role today. what's happening in ukraine and around the periphery of the russian federation and in fact what's happening inside the russian federation and president obama, i