was willing to give up whatever might be the tracking of kamala harris's particular fondness for nacho cheeseitos for the sake of getting a big bag of doritos. as i watched the oscars. >> the good news is, kamala is not your president and probably never will be. >> i don't know if we'll ever see a democrat president again, because i just don't think they are of a mind that that can happen without it ruining the country. the democrats do draw the line at when they lose an election. they just quit. they quit quick. i mean, kamala harris was in like, you know, the bahamas like on thursday. i mean, they just like, okay, we lost. get out of town. see, we'll try again next year. no big deal. >> the democrat brand is busted. their internal polls show most voters think democrats are too politically correct and elitist. and now they're not looking out for the working people. now, democrat strategists are begging the party to get it together. >> we are taking positions that definitionally definitionally make it impossible to win elections. i'm sorry, i'm going to cuss here, but we got to stop that. the