this past march, nada prouty stepped out of the shadows to tell her story for the first time. >> nada i love the country. i believe in the country. i believe in everything that this country stands for. >> pelley: this is dangerous work. >> prouty: yes, but i embraced the mission. the mission became my family. the mission became my life. and i would have given anything to protect the mission. >> pelley: nada prouty's missions for the fbi and cia read like a history of america's fight against terrorism. she investigated the bombing of the u.s.s. "cole," the attack on americans at khobar towers in saudi arabia. and in pakistan, she interrogated a terrorist who killed 20 people on a pan am plane, and got him to confess. >> prouty: nothing prepares you to meet a terrorist, a real-life terrorist, someone who's killed americans, someone who's vowed to always kill americans. >> pelley: what's happened to him now? >> prouty: he's in a jail in colorado where he gets to see daylight one hour a day. >> pelley: and you're happy about that. >> prouty: yes, i'm happy. it brought justice. this is wha