nadim barber, al jazeera. >> ireland is the only country that has brought the gay marriage issue to vote. >>> widening corruption scandals scandals. adam rainey reports from guatemala city. >> elisabeth santos says her husband paid the highest price for corruption in the country. the social security agency swished to a different reaction drug. jorge died two months after starting the new treatment. >> he didn't feel well when they gave him the new treatment. it wasn't good. he had stomach pain, nauseous and had diarrhea. >> reporter: the case is one of two corruption scandle battering president otto perez. tens of thousands of gawt malns are calling for perez to resign. lucy had to wait 24 hours to be seen after getting sick trt drugs. >> this is the saddest thing. they are dying and didn't do anything for us. she says doctors didn't didn't even read her chart. >> more than 500 people suffering from the same things and no one every responded. >> like 500 people have backs with medicines in them chem still the government has spent a quarter million dollars of this medicine that will have