truth isn't always beauty, but the hunger for it is wrote the noble laureate -- nobel laureate nadineer. dared broder's hunger was insatiable. i learned more about it today. our world is a little more beautiful because of that insatiable hunger that he had. his legacy i believe with every fiber of my being is a standard worth pursuing, a standard that the professional -- the profession of journalism would do well to recalibrate and look at what made him what he was, as well as those of us who are covered by the press, to have the humility of knowing that some of you, if not a lot of you who cover us, have more insight into who we are than sometimes we do. may he rest in peace. >> hello again. thank you, mr. vice president. thank you for honoring him, honoring the family, and honoring everybody here by speaking so honestly. and speaking on behalf, as you did, of those that were in that reporter's notebook. thank you very much. as we conclude, thank all of you again on behalf of the family for helping us say farewell and celebrate the of our father, our grandfather, david d. broder. our