i would like to begin with you, nadine strossen. you have an extraordinary depth of expertise on the subjects we will discuss today, and i would like you to start us off by explaining the constitutional and legal roles following expression and protest on public and private campuses, what kind of speech and activities are protected, and any exceptions to the general rule, in five minutes. prof. strossen: [laughter] if you want the first story, you will have to read my new book. thank you so much and thanks to my distinguished co-panelists and everybody for organizing this really important seminar. so the united states first amendment free-speech standards, which by the way, are only directly binding on public universities, but which the vast majority of private universities, including harvard, have voluntarily decided to adhere to as a matter of economic -- academic freedom and pedagogical excellence, so i will refer to the first amendment, but please be aware we are not literally talking about the first amendment. we are talking abo