here's a response we got from nadine strossman.avorite books, les miserables, doctor zhivago, fountain head by ayn rand, fountain of liberty, and arguably co-authored by harriet taylor. we will get to that in a second. bleak house by charles dickens. is there a theme in these books? >> guest: those books are books i read at a young age. i chose them because they have been influential throughout my life. they all involve themes of justice and they all involve themes of individual freedom. surprise surprise and they deeply resonated with me at a young age and continue to inspire me. i know to say that one continues to appreciate the fountain head beyond adolescence is quite controversial. i know a lot of people on the liberal end of the political spectrum would say i liked her was a teenager but i have outgrown her and i continue to find the themes of individual creativity, individual self-determination on the part of a strong female protagonist and a male lead character, i continue to find very inspiring. i will admit that. >> host: