person who is going home -- is nadir. i'm sorry, nadir. i'm real sorry.. nadir, go sit over on that stool right there. >> oh, okay. >> jimmy: all right. are you excited? >> i promise, no matter what happens, this gentleman and i are still nillic to the max. including the audience, nillic to the max. [ applause ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's not kidding, by the way. [ laughter ] all right. swaggy t, carter. are you ready? >> very. >> jimmy: judges, are you ready? >> ready. >> jimmy: audience, are you ready? [ cheers and applause ] nadir, are you ready? >> i'm so ready. >> jimmy: okay, you're ready. the person who has what it takes is -- carter! carter, congratulations. carter has what it takes. >> ah! >> jimmy: congratulations, carter. how do you feel right now? please describe how you are feeling at this moment. >> my shirt says it all, jimmy. >> jimmy: that's chillin spelled backwards. how are you going to celebrate? >> besides nillic, i'm at a loss for words. i'm going to celebrate with great people, like yourself, the audience, everybody. you guys are p