nado adam comes from the ancient folk custom of the sacrifice of the offering.r of the spirit, the owner of the area and the ancestors of the family, the sacrifice was accompanied by festivities, games and competitions in archery, horse races, and mongolian wrestling. last year. holiday not held due to the pandemic. but this year it was held on a special scale. this is a national holiday three days off from july 11 to 13, all mongolia celebrate from little brought to small villages. cities in the capital held a solemn military parade, pay tribute , lay flowers at the monuments to genghis khan and sukhbaatar, the founder of the modern mongolian state. we open ourselves to the whole world through the demonstration of our national fighting games and archery horse racing, many foreigners. they come from all over the world specifically to look at our on adam besides demonstrating our cultural values to the world. we celebrated this important holiday. we also protect our national heritage, we pass on our cultural ideas to our descendants, we involve our youth in the