and ncob about require every state to participate in naep. now states didn't participate until then. we were going to have a collect. a lot of people aren't aware that these state tests have been rescaled to compare them with naep. so for me, this races to the top and with nga, it's the third time around and that's for me. there are been various efforts before that. so iagus think it's important to -- i just think it's important to get it right this time. let me just say a do you mean of things of what we think is important with regard to the common standards. we really think that they need to be vertical, meaning the way ilene talked about not only the standards, but the teaching to back it up. good assessments. i mean, that's another block we've been around a couple of times. esea right now, all the things people want in terms of assessments are in the law, that they be mostly measured, that they hey zest higher order skills, that they're not all multiple choice hand it hasn't happened and we could have a discussion about why it hasn't happ