collectively nafa members serve all student aid recipients. focusing on the title for financial aid programs a central tenet of their mission is to advocate for public policies and increase access and success in postsecondary education particularly the one students. we know financially it has an impact in under 75% of pell grant recipients of the 2012-13 year had a family income of less than $30,000 per year if we know we need to do a better job of enrolling underrepresented students as they represent a small portion of enrollment compared to white students in bachelor and institutions. knowing the context we should consider improvement with an eye towards how they best serve the students most at risk. in the short time today i will share some policy concerns and recommendations related to two areas of the federal student aid program. the federal pell grant program in the second is the camp of the space program. the pell grant is known is the cornerstone of the federally program. today there's a need to examine the program with the matter is m