and, of course, you have naftali bennett's party, the habayit hayehudi, which says this openly, thatre will never be a state, a palestinian state, anywhere in palestine. why hasn't our government or anyone said, "like hamas, if you have parties like that in your government, you are not a peace partner, and you are a terrorist group, if in fact you use violence to implement your policy, as hamas does"? so the hypocrisy in the discussion that is taking place publicly is just mind-boggling. >> henry siegman, you're the head, the former head, of one of the leading jewish organizations, the american jewish congress. >> two of them, also of the synagogue council of america. >> so, these are major establishment jewish organizations. you said you went to see khaled meshaal, the head of hamas, not once, but several times to meet with him. the u.s. government calls hamas a terrorist organization. they will not communicate with them. they communicate with them through other parties, through other countries, to talk to them. talk about your decision to meet with khaled meshaal, where you met wit